Journalism Instructor

For over 20 years, I have co-taught an environmental journalism class in the University of Michigan’s Program in the Environment with fellow journalist, Emilia Askari. The class has consistently received high marks from students for providing valuable, hands-on guidance on what it takes to make it in the world of journalism today.

Here are some testimonials from former students.

Meghan Minor

Classes like this are a rarity. I went on to Boston University to study science writing and now I’m on my way to my dream job at National Geographic. I couldn’t have done it without you, and the inspiration your class provided. This class offers a unique opportunity to educate the next generation of scientists to communicate effectively, and, at the very least, allows them to appreciate the challenges that reporters face in communicating their science with the general public.

Madi Wachman

Environment 320 was one of the best classes I took at the University of Michigan. Due to Julie and Emilia’s tireless effort to connect us with leading experts in a wide range of fields and get relevant, hands-on experience, I not only greatly improved my writing skills but I also gained a better understanding of what I wanted to do after graduating. Julie and Emilia put their hearts into this class. They did whatever they could to help us become better writers and moreover, personalize it in a way that allowed us to develop an understanding of what directions we want to take in life.

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